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Have you ever thought of having a book that is full of knowledge, but your own personal knowledge that comes from experience?
Now you are inspired and supported to create it by Archangels Jophiel and Gabriel!
Be infinite, be courageous, be inspired, be creative, be brave… Do you believe in miracles? If not, know that YOU are one!
Use your personal power and create more miracles. This world needs that!

This extraordinary gift is from the Archangels Jophiel and Gabriel. It is called “My Healing Book”.

There are three unique energies you are going to be attuned to:

Jophiel’s Healing Book– energy for your healing book.
Gabriel’s Healing Pen– energy for the pen you will use for writing your book.
Jophiel’s Inspiration Energy– energy for your personal inspiration.
First of all, you should have a personal notebook. One that is going to attract your attention and inspire you.

Buy it especially for this occasion to make this “Healing book”. It is recommended to be a bigger notebook.

Second of all, that book is going to be energized from the first moment with the energy “Jophiel’s Healing Book”, so it is purely something clear and sacred for you. It is not a diary of what you do during your day, but for your healing experience.
Second of all, you should buy a special pen that also matches your preference and energize it with the energy of Gabriel’s Healing Pen.
How do you start the process? Before you go to buy those things, you let the energy of Jophiel’s Inspiration Energy flow, so you are guided by what book and pen you should buy. When you buy them, infuse them with the corresponding energies.
And what do you write there? Before you start writing, let the energy of Jophiel’s Inspiration Energy flow through you to get inspired. It is especially good at times when you want to be creative and make personal spiritual progress.

You are going to make sections of your book as you prefer.

You might start with the affirmations. In that creative process, the affirmations that you feel inspired to use are going to be the ones you need at a particular moment of time. Affirmations are excellent, not just to repeat as something that rhymes, but to believe in them. The key to affirmations is a belief that something can become a reality. You are creating a positive thought form in that way.
Another section in your healing book might be the section of your healing experience. You should write down your healing experience with the use of energies. For instance, if you channel some energy, you should write a description and the experience with attuning people. You can also write your energy experiments if you do them, such as testing the energy, making energy tools, etc. Do not forget to write about difficulties on the way of your development if you encounter them as well.
Write down the story of everything you have “become” after some experience, how you changed, and how you developed as a person. This unique practice is going to develop you, in a way that you are being more and more creative.
Some of the things this little project will offer are going to opening you up for creative sides. And maybe you have not noticed they ever existed!

Furthermore, by opening up to these energies and your book, you open up for the knowledge. Some of you might become writers, singers, housewives, “angel whisperers.”

It is all about self-development, developing, and boosting you as a healer. It is not a diary like: “Today I had a session with this person, the client said this and that, and then I said this”… It is about your personal experience and personal development on a soul level!
Create your own sacred diary. You can include photos or creative drawings as well.

You are going to be proud of your healing book – not after a few years, but after only a few months! You are going to be proud of yourself for how you developed! Archangel Jophiel and Gabriel are going to help you in that process.

Note: We would be more than glad and happy to hear after some time from you what these energies and your healing book brought to you!

Include a manual and a beautiful certificate!

My Healing Book Attunement Package

SKU: 374
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