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Kali Naga Shamanic Power Level 1

Includes digital English e-manual for Level 1,  sent electronically by link

You are not permitted to place this on free attunement sites, swap sites, or in buy one get one free sites.

Kali Naga Shamanic Power course is a four part series empowering you to heal the true root cause of all diseases that are missed by most other systems of healing on the earth today, and to walk where you will with the certainty that anyone who attempts to attack you will be defeated by their own energy without your having to engage in a physical confrontation the vast majority of the time

Founder: Prajna Shiva Kaldasa

Pre-requiste: Reiki 2 or higher

Levels: There are 4 levels and this is for level 1.  A Minimum of 28 Days after you may attune to next level as long as you have done breath work / meditations daily at that time.

Note / Warning:  This is a POWERFUL system of energies and it is NOT for everyone as it requires a commitment to work with energies as well as learning mudras etc. Please email me any questions you may have because there are no refunds after manual is sent.

Pre-Hindu Tibetan Shamanism solidified into it’s original form approximately 60,000 years ago, and had only minimal changes among it’s core practices with the advent of the Hindus and then the Buddhists. One of the aspects that has survived with only minimal changes has been the nine mudra meditation form, and the ability to heal in ways that are not done in either Reiki or Seichim.

Since the Shamans of the day had to travel into some very wild and remote areas where bandits were a constant threat they also developed an energetic martial art process to work with these symbols as well. That system for both healing and self-defense then spread into China, India, Malaysia, Indonesia and Japan. With one minor variation, it is also the nine hands meditation form of Kuji-Kiri Ninjitsu.

This course is the first of a four part series empowering you to heal the true root cause of all diseases that are missed by most other systems of healing on the earth today, and to walk where you will with the certainty that anyone who attempts to attack you will be defeated by their own energy without your having to engage in a physical confrontation the vast majority of the time. And, you will be empowered to defeat 99% of all physical attacks that do take place.

This system is a complete spiritual path to take you from any level through the point of complete spiritual awakening and self-realization. There are also mudras that will help you balance energy in yourself and others, be in harmony with all of the rest of Creation, build your spiritual, moral and physical strength, be invisible when desired, read the minds of others while protecting your own thoughts, overcome all forms of fear and defeat panic in emergencies, give you mastery over time and space and empower your psychic capabilities including such skills as psycho-kinesis, telepathy and astral projection.

This system includes meditation skills, the nine u(hand signs that change the energy in your body), breath-work, thirteen powerful meditations that allow you to access energy in many ways, and further empower yourself at will, and is the first step on the Path of Initiation of both the ancient Tibetan Shamans and the highly spiritual and often misunderstood warriors of the night known as the Ninja. This is a complete spiritual practice in itself whether you choose to go on to the next three levels of Initiation beyond this one or not.

You will also receive a 67 page manual with many detailed photographs covering the nine mudras, and detailing the thirteen exceptionally powerful meditations that are a part of this level of instruction. However, you will not be able to do Initiations for others until you have completed the next three Initiations following this one. Instructions concerning them are included in the manual for this first level. And, we always send extra supplimental attunements to help you on your chosen path as our gift to you. No two people are exactly the same so everyone needs something slightly different.

Due to the amount of information given with our course manuals, and that they are sent as e-books and unable to be recovered, there are no refunds on course purchases from this website once the materials have been sent to you.

With purchase, you will receive with purchase 1 distant chi ball attunement and 1 e-manual English pdf sent electronically by link.

Kali Naga Shamanic Power Level 1

SKU: 291
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