Eye of the Dragon Empowerment
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Founder: Aghori Prajna Shiva Kalidasa
Levels: 1
Included is 1 pdf sent electronically and 1 distant energy attunement.
You will be able to initiate others
You will receive a certificate at your request.
Aghori Prajna Shiva Kalidasa writes about his system:
“Most of us who work in the shamanic realm of things have a Guardian Animal that teaches, empowers and protects us, and in the case of mine, is one of my closest friends in this world. One of the things that makes that latter part possible has been learning to see through the eyes of my Guardian so that I not only see what is going on in the physical world, but also see what is happening in the spirit world at the same time. Because of this, our depth of sharing and interaction is much greater than it would be otherwise.
The Guardian Animal I am telling you about here is named Dragar Atoll, and he is a Celestial Dragon, and the spirit that rules the Asaga Siddha Marg in the spirit world as well as the Kapalika Aghora Path along with a powerful Tibetan Shaman and Sorcerer named Mog who lived approximately 1,000 years ago. In the spirit world they are a mighty force to be reckoned with! And, in my life they are a great blessing as well. Being able to see in the spirit world as well as physically is a great advantage in all of my everyday interactions, and it can be for you as well.
Making this possible for you is what this empowerment is all about. Anyone who has a Guardian Animal can do this in time, but it is much more pleasant if you can get it to happen when you are ready for it instead of spontaneously.”
You will learn also:
How to get a Guardian Animal
How to work with energies in an Emergency
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