Blue Star Celestial Energy is a natural healing method of Truth and Light. It will assist you in channeling energy and raising the vibratory level of our planet Earth to end suffering and heal humanity. Blue Star Celestial Energy resonates to a very high-dimensional level of healing. Blue Star works with the galactic healing and brings peace to Earth. Due to the higher frequency of energy Blue Star tends to guide individuals to study that have a background in advanced energy work.
Blue Star is a transmission of spiritual ability to bridge the gap between God and man, the Rainbow Bridge enabling the initiate to function at expanded levels of awareness. Blue Star Celestial Energy offers a passage through the universal door allowing you to continue the search for knowledge, enlightenment and it’s sharing with all sentient beings. It is not only concerned with the immediate benefits such as health, protection, financial gain, and other matters pertaining to the needs of everyday life. It is also aimed towards the growth, evolution, and spiritual development of its practitioners. The symbols and words of power of this healing method are powerful, and have a positive changing effect on the pyche, in both inner and outer dimensions, advancing spiritual evolution leading to self-healing and healing of the planet. The program includes basic and advanced Merkaba and Triangulation training, as well as techniques for inter-time travel, and planetary and galactic healing. A strong sense of balance between mind and heart is the key to manifesting with the Blue Star energy, which is said to be the vehicle for bringing peace and planetary healing as fast as it can happen. The program includes basic and advanced Merkaba and Triangulation training, as well as techniques for inter-time travel, and planetary and galactic healing.
Blue Star Celestial Energy training is offered in two levels. Practitioner Level I is open to all students, although it is preferred and advised that you have experience either in Reiki or some other form of energy work.
*Ancient Origins Of The Blue Star System
*Blue Star Celestial Energy And Sound
*Seven Blue Star Celestial Energy Practitioner Symbols
*Basic And Intermediate Mer-Ka-Ba Breath Technique
*Distance Healing With Blue Star
*Extracting And Short-Circuiting Disease
*Psychic Surgery
*Enhancing The Body’s Defense System Against Disease
*Seven Blue Star Celestial Energy Master Symbols
*Manifesting With Blue Star Celestial Energy
*Integrating Blue Star Celestial Energy With The Chakras And The Planets
*Triangulation Exercise
*Personal Symbol Exercise
*Advanced Mer-Ka-Ba Breathing Technique
*Performing Blue Star Celestial Energy Attunements
*Several MeditationsThis level gives you the ability to teach and transmit the energies of the Blue Star, is available only to Masters of attunement-based healing modalities (such as Reiki, Seichim, Kaurna®, Shamballa Master Level etc.)
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SKU: 479
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