Though Mother Earth is enduring a difficult period of transformation, every one of us uses its forces, knowledge and energy to serve planetary Ascension. The time has come to connect to our heritage in order to recognize our true being and release old beliefs, thoughts and expectations. Only I AM connects all of us together to go through a gate into a new and now unknown world. We are now open to higher consciousness and higher frequencies. We are united with Mother Earth and with every living thing.
With this attunement our physical body is cleared in order to prepare for the Ascension. All our light codes can be activated in Atlantis so we get access to our initial knowledge. Thoth will accompany you to the Crystal Temple of Atlantis to access our source and apply for our true heritage.
This initiation is a promise of our own mastery; love to ALL THAT IS opens us to the highest levels of the service for the LIGHT. It reveals our deepest being and shows us who and what we are and how we should embody love in this world. This initiation gives us the tools, aid and helpers to simplify our way.
You will need a rock crystal or an amethyst for the meditation in this manual.
Founder: Ellen Dana’s Stamer
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SKU: 476
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